Tentative Date Sheet of Term End Examination (TEE) of June 2018
Many of you would be appearing in June 2018 examination of IGNOU in different courses. Before appearing in the examination, you are advised to check the tentative date sheet and plan accordingly. The University has now reduced the number of days and examination would end by 22nd June 2018 starting from 1st June 2018.
You can access the date sheet from here: http://www.ignou.ac.in/userfiles/June,%202018%20date%20sheet(1).pdf

Examination date sheet
You are required to submit your assignment at your study centre before appearing in the examination. The last date for submission of assignments has been extended and you can now submit by 30th April without any fine. Get all the assignments photocopied for future record.
You can also read the guidelines and instructions regarding the filling of online examination form on this link: http://exam.ignou.ac.in/
The online examination form is open for filling and the fee per paper is Rs. 120. You can choose your exam centre online and submit the form. You may write to us in case of any difficulty/query.
We will be available round the clock for your help and support.
This website is fully devoted to help the students in case of any issue/problem during the completion of the Program.
Please remember that the final date sheet for TEE June 2018 will be available in the last week of May 2018 only. As soon as it is finalized we will put it on our website.
IGNOU exam results are declared within 45 days from the date of appearance. The date sheet combines all the courses. There are so many courses in IGNOU. Hence, there might be some clashes in the dates. Do not wonder if your two papers are scheduled on the same date and time. But this happens occasionally. In this case, you will be required to leave one paper and appear in the second paper in which you want to appear. You may appear in the left over course in the next exam which is conducted after six months. Please remember IGNOU does not give the option of writing two papers on the same date and time if the two papers are clashed.
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